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Total No. of Records : 1134
# Code Project Type Year Approved Beneficiaries Collaborators Sector Region Province City District Status Project Cost Implementor
1 Development of nutrient-rich and ready-to-eat corn food products for children utilizing locally produced pigmented corn in Region IVA (NARUCORN Products for Kids Project) GIA (Region-initiated Projects) Internally Funded 2022 University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) Barangay Burol Organic Agriculture Cooperative, Enrique Zobel Foundation, Golden Leaf Farm, University of the Philippines Los Baños - College of Agriculture and Food Science - Institute of Food Science and Technology, University of the Philippines Los Baños - Institute of Plant Breeding Health & Wellness Products Region IV-A Laguna Los Baños 2nd On-going PHP 3,620,412.00 RO-Project Coordinators
2 PO Financing Program Support to Aijun Enterprises TAPI-assisted 2019 Aijun Enterprises Department of Science and Technology Region IV-A Metals & Engineering Region IV-A Cavite Naic 6th On-going PHP 500,000.00 PSTC-CAVITE
3 Advancement and Growth through Acquisition of Technology Through DOST - TAPI Program TAPI-assisted 2016 Kapfer & Rivera United Inc. DOST TAPI Food Processing Region IV-A Cavite Silang 5th On-going PHP 1,065,240.00 PSTC-CAVITE
4 Upgrading of Street Food Vending Practices in Selected Cities and Municipalities GIA (Region-initiated Projects) Internally Funded 2014 LGU - Sta. Rosa, Laguna, Sta. Rosa Street Food Vendors Food Processing Region IV-A Laguna Santa Rosa 1st Completed PHP 0.00 RO-Project Coordinators
5 Purchase Order Financing for Jamerika Enterprises Inc. TAPI-assisted 2018 Jamerika Enterprise Inc. DOST TAPI Furniture Region IV-A Rizal Taytay 1st Graduated PHP 2,035,076.00 PSTC-RIZAL
6 Philippine Jin Craft Guitar Corporation TAPI-assisted 2011 Philippine Jin Craft Guitar Corp. DOST Technology Application and Promotion Institute Gifts / Decors / Handicrafts Region IV-A Cavite Imus 3rd On-going PHP 500,000.00 PSTC-CAVITE
7 Venture Financing for the Fabrication of Processing Equipment for the Regional Food Innovation Center TAPI-assisted 2017 Globall Marketing and Construction Corp. DOST TAPI Metals & Engineering Region IV-A Laguna San Pedro 1st Graduated PHP 1,923,000.00 PSTC-LAGUNA
8 ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATIONALIZATION OF REGIONAL DESIGN AND CREATIVITY HUB FOR INNOVATION IN MSMEs AND EDUCATION (RDCHIME) GIA (Region-initiated Projects) Internally Funded 2018 University of Rizal System (URS) University of Rizal System Metals & Engineering Region IV-A Rizal Antipolo City 1st On-going PHP 16,973,118.00 RO-Project Coordinators
9 Upgrading of Micropropagation Capability of Masikhay Micropalnts Nursery TAPI-assisted 2018 Masikhay Microplants Nursery DOST TAPI Agriculture / Marine / Aquaculture / Forestry / Livestock Region IV-A Laguna Los Baños 2nd On-going PHP 0.00 PSTC-LAGUNA
10 Productivity Improvement through Material Purchase - Guaranfoods Manufacturing TAPI-assisted 2017 Guaranfood Manufacturing Corporation DOST TAPI Food Processing Region IV-A Laguna San Pablo 3rd Graduated PHP 1,328,976.00 PSTC-LAGUNA
11 Technology Improvement and Cleaner Production through Upgrade of Manual Scrubber to Automatic and Rehabilitation of Existing Plating Line TAPI-assisted 2018 Raigo Metal Finishing Inc. DOST TAPI Metals & Engineering Region IV-A Laguna City of Biñan 1st On-going PHP 1,956,500.00 PSTC-LAGUNA
12 Upgrading of Technology through a Laser Marking Machine TAPI-assisted 2014 MILLENIUM TOOLINGS AND FABRICATION SERVICES DOST Technology Application and Promotion Institute Metals & Engineering Region IV-A Laguna Calamba 2nd On-going PHP 1,850,000.00 PSTC-LAGUNA
13 Production and Commercialization of Rice - Mongo Curls and Instant Blend Baby Food TAPI-assisted 2018 JND Manufacturing Industries DOST Technology Application and Promotion Institute Agriculture / Marine / Aquaculture / Forestry / Livestock Region IV-A Rizal Rodriguez (Montalban) 2nd On-going PHP 2,839,000.00 PSTC-RIZAL
14 Improvement of Dishwashing Liquid Mixture Product through Provision of Appropriate Product Packaging and Support in Raw Materials Procurement TAPI-assisted 2018 Love and Care Dynamic Consumers Cooperative DOST Technology Application and Promotion Institute Health & Wellness Products Region IV-A Rizal Antipolo City 1st On-going PHP 98,070.00 PSTC-RIZAL
15 Upgrading of Street Food Vending Practices in Selected Cities and Municipalities GIA (Region-initiated Projects) Internally Funded 2015 LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT OF MULANAY, Mulanay Street Food Vendors Food Processing Region IV-A Quezon Lucena City 2nd Completed PHP 0.00 RO-Project Coordinators
16 Upgrading of Street Food Vending Practices in Selected Cities and Municipalities GIA (Region-initiated Projects) Internally Funded 2012 LGU - Lucena, Quezon, Lucena Street Food Vendors Food Processing Region IV-A Quezon Lucena City 2nd Completed PHP 0.00 RO-Project Coordinators
17 Upgrading of Street Food Vending Practices in Selected Cities and Municipalities GIA (Region-initiated Projects) Internally Funded 2011 Local Government Unit - Los Baños, Laguna, Los Baños Street Food Vendors Food Processing Region IV-A Laguna Los Baños 2nd Completed PHP 0.00 RO-Project Coordinators
18 Development and Installation of a Solar-Powered Fish Dryer GIA (Region-initiated Projects) Internally Funded 2017 Batangas State University Food Processing Region IV-A Batangas Batangas City 2nd On-going PHP 735,200.00 RO-Project Coordinators
19 Food Safety Demo Company Program - Gordola Food Enterprise GIA (Region-initiated Projects) Externally Funded 2016 Gordola Food Enterprise Department of Trade and Industry Food Processing Region IV-A Cavite Indang 7th On-going PHP 0.00 RO-Project Coordinators
20 Upgrading of Street Food Vending Practices in Selected Cities and Municipalities GIA (Region-initiated Projects) Internally Funded 2012 Local Government Unit - Malvar, Batangas, Malvar Street Food Vendors Food Processing Region IV-A Batangas Malvar 3rd Completed PHP 0.00 RO-Project Coordinators